This section is designed to help you get acquainted with Privatlocker by helping you complete a your account setup, security and PIN, and navigating your Privatlocker account, adding a document and completing your Wishes.

Create a Privatlocker Account

Registering for your free account

To register for a Privatlocker free account that provides you with all the Privatlocker functions and up to 10MB secure storage for your most important critical information, head to

In order to create your account, we’ll require:

Your Name

The name you provide us with is one of the few pieces of data that is not fully encrypted and is viewable by Privatlocker. This is simply so that we may refer to you by name. If you are not comfortable sharing this information with Privatlocker, you do not have to enter your real name.

Email Address

Your email address is how we identify your Privatlocker account and it cannot be changed.

If you want to change your email address you will need to create a new Privatlocker account and transfer your records to your new account, then close your old account.

Choosing a Password

As passwords are the first layer of security for your data, it is important to create a strong password that is not easy to guess.


This is optional and simply makes your experience more personal.

Privatlocker Trustee email address

Your Privatlocker Trustee email address is required to enable us to administer access to your account should anything happen to you.

Set up Two Factor Authentication

Two Factor Authentication (2FA) refers to having a second method of authenticating your identity before being able to access your account. The first layer of authentication is always your account’s password. As the second layer of protection, Privatlocker only supports App Authentication as it is the most secure form of access.

To set up app authentication, you’ll need an authenticator app downloaded on a mobile device. In your Account / Settings / 2FA you will be guided to follow the necessary steps.

Once you have an app downloaded and set up, click on the option to set up 2FA with an app and you’ll be presented with a QR code (and a text-based code).

Using your authenticator app, select the option to add a new one, and then scan the QR code (if you’re unable to scan the QR code, you can manually enter the text-based code). You’ll then see a code for your Privatlocker account’s email. Enter that code and click submit. All done!

You’ll then see the Two Factor Authentication is activated, indicating that your 2FA is active.

Set up a Locker PIN

Your Locker PIN is the most important aspect of your own personal security as most security compromise events are caused by email and account hacking.

To set a PIN for each of your Lockers go to the 3-bar menu and select a Locker.

Click Manage and set your 4-digit PIN.



Click the Privatlocker icon in the top left corner of your screen to navigate to the application Home page.

3-bar Menu

Locker selection and more.


Powerful search function that can instantly find a file based on its name.

Upload +

Navigate to a folder and simply click + to add a document. Or click + anywhere to add a document then move it to the folder of your choice.


Navigate to your Account and select Wishes. Complete your Wishes (free-form text).


In order to provide you with extra protection, click the 3-bar menu and go to your Privatlocker Default Locker. Click Manage and set your 4-digit PIN.

Upload Your Important Documents & Files

Go to the location that you wish to store a file, record or document and click the Upload or  + button anywhere and you will be asked from where you would like to load your document.

Once you have loaded your document, name it so that it can be easily searched.

Complete your Wishes form

Navigate to your Account and Select Wishes. Enter data straight into the form.